A spectacular review of Bartoli’s recital in Bayreuth from Dr. Frank Piontek on Der Opernfreund. Read it here (in German): https://www.deropernfreund.de/pionteks-bayreuth-6.html
Category Archives: News
Rachmaninov’s Second Concerto with ISA and Jacopo Sipari di Pescasseroli
A wonderful introduction to Mr Bartoli’s forthcoming appearances with the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese and star conductor Jacopo Sipari di Pescasseroli: https://www.terremarsicane.it/jacopo-sipari-e-lo-straordinario-pianista-sandro-ivo-bartoli-a-laquila-insieme-allorchestra-sinfonica-abruzzese/
Veronesi: “Bartoli one of the world’s greatest Liszt interpreters”
Sandro Ivo Bartoli was highly praised for his Liszt recital in his native Pisa last Saturday. A recent study confirmed that the first solo recital in history was held by Franz Liszt not in London, as previously thought, but in the town of the leaning tower; as a result, the Pisa Council invited Bartoli to give a commemorative recital in the historic San Zeno Church. Bartoli played on a unique Steingraeber E-272, the instrment on which he is helding his winter tour. At the end, a capacity audience tributed him a standing ovation, whilst celebrated conductor Albero Veronesi, President of the Puccini Festival Foundation, said that “Bartoli is one of the world’s greatest Liszt interpreters”. Bartoli’s tour continues with a Bach, Puccini and Liszt recital in Viareggio on January 5th prior to moving to Germany, where he will play in Berlin on January 9th.
Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto Op.23
Mr Bartoli’s string of international engagements reaches new heights this month when he performs Tchaikovsky’s timeless Piano concerto No.1 with the Wilde-Gungl Symphonieorchester and Michele Carulli at the Herkulessaal in Munich. It is a welcome comeback for the award-winning team: Bartoli and Carulli won a Diapason D’Or for their recording of Gian Francesco Malipiero’s complete Piano Concertos on CPO, and have collaborated many times in the past, notably in concertos by Rachmaninov and Respighi. Few tickets are still available here: https://www.muenchenticket.de/guide/tickets/25fg6/Symphoniekonzert.html
Torna l’atteso Bianchi e Neri Piano Fest Tuscany, con la grande musica e squisita cucina! Tre eventi di importante spessore artistico e gastronomico per celebrare le origini toscane del pianoforte.
Il festival prende il via venerdì 7 settembre alle 20,30 con EINE DEUTSCHE NACHT (una serata tedesca). L’imponente programma prevede: Pachelbel, Ciaccona in re maggiore; Haendel, Ciaccona in sol maggiore; Bach-Busoni, CIaccona in re minore; Beethoven, Romanza per violino e pianoforte in fa maggiore Op.50, Sonata “quasi una fantasia” Op.27 No.2 “al chiaro di luna”. Segue degustazione dei prodotti SVEVI.
Il secondo concerto, A PASSEGGIO CON L’OPERA LIRICA, ci porta nel mondo dorato del teatro drammatico. In programma il 14 settembre: Beethoven, Variazioni su “nel cor più non mi sento” di Paisiello; Donizetti-Leschetizky, Andante Finale da Lucia di Lammermoor per la mano sinistra sola; Puccini, “Vissi d’arte”, “Un bel dì vedremo”, Intermezzo da Edgar, Intermezzo da Manon Lescaut (per violino e pianoforte) con letture di Iacopo Bertoni; Čajkovskij-Pabst, Parafrasi sull’Eugene Onegin Op.81a. Segue degustazione dei prodotti Casa Lombardi. Per finire, il 21 settembre, ARABESCHI E GHIRIGORI ROMANTICI presenta un programma di indubbio fascino: Schumann, Arabeske Op.18, Debussy, Premiére Arabesque; Čajkovskij, Sérénade Mélancholique per violino e pianoforte; Liszt, Rapsodia ungherese No.19, Grosses Konzersolo.
Con Sandro Ivo Bartoli, pianoforte
Debra Fast, violino
Iacopo Bertoni, attore
Ingressi: Intero €25, Ridotto €20. In prevendita presso:
Tabaccheria Cerqua, Via Matteotti 12, Migliarino Pisano
Edicola Tabacchi Baglini, Piazza Garibaldi, Vecchiano.
pianofortissimo launched
Mr Bartoli’s three-date concert series in the magnificent Gipsoteca od Ancient Art in Pisa has been announced today. Within the three recitals, which will take place on Fridays March 23rd, April 6th and April 20th, Mr Bartoli will survey a sizable amount of piano literature spanning four centuries of music making. Each concert is themed around a significant chapter of the piano’s history, beginning with “A tea in Vienna” with works by Haydn, Schubert and Beethoven. “A vojage to Italy” charts the Romantics reaction to the musical allure of the belpaese with works by Frescobaldi-Respighi, Clementi and Liszt, while “The pianist at the opera” covers the fantastic influence that musical drama exterted in the concert hall.
We are delighted to announce that Mr Bartoli has joined Team Karin Burger, the leading agency for public speakers in Germany. In 2018, Ms Burger has added a list of select performing artists to her notable roster of speakers with a view to giving her clients an enlarged option pool for corporate entertainment and conference organization. More info (in German) can be obtained here: http://team-karin-burger.de/Sandro-Ivo-Bartoli/
Two more rave reviews have come in covering Mr Bartoli’s recent Puccini album. Mr Joseph Andrew Newsome on Voix des Arts wrote that (Bartoli’s performances) “celebrate the beauties of Puccini’s music with a blaze of passion that no pseudo-academic disapprobation can wholly extinguish”, while Ron Schepper on Textura commented: “Of the fourteen selections, four will be the most familiar to Puccini devotees, “Vissi d’arte,” “Un bel di vedremi,” “Coro a boccia chiusa” (the well-known “Humming Chorus” from Madama Butterfly), and “Piccolo Valzer,” an early piano setting that eventually became “Musetta’s Waltz” from La bohème. The latter serves as a representative illustration of the recording in the elegance with which Bartoli voices its tender melodies, and how expertly he effects the tempo modulations and realizes the song’s entrancing lilt”. Read the full reviews here (Voix-des-Arts): http://www.voix-des-arts.com/2018/01/personal-perspectives-sandro-ivo.html and here (Textura): http://www.textura.org/archives/b/bartoli_puccini.htm
Puccini strikes again!
Brand new new 5 star review of Mr Bartoli’s Puccini album on iclassical. Read it here: https://iclassical.co.uk/?p=1268
Dominy Clements on Puccini’s piano music
Reviews like this make a pianist want to play better! Thank you, Mr Clements!